Lovense Lush 2

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This sex toy review will be on the Lovense Lush 2 and why I believe it’s a must have for any couple that wants to have a bit of cheeky public play time.

So of course, most people know about the Lush or the Lush 2 without actually knowing they know about it. The best way I can explain it to someone is saying “You know that little pink tail girls have in porn?” and most people then know straight away exactly what it is but most of the time they only know that little pink tail they don’t really know what it does.

So, to start with this toy is controlled by an app on your smartphone. It can be use and set to some settings using the little button on the end of the tail but the possibilities of different patterns are endless with the app. In this app, you’re able to create your own vibrations or patterns that you can also save for later use, you can also connect your Lush 2 to music i.e. Spotify or saved music on your phone so it will vibrate in time with the beat of whatever song you chose to play, another feature is sound activation, this means the app connects to the microphone on your smart phone and whatever sounds the mic picks up the toy will vibrating according to. These among many other features make this toy so different and fun that the possibilities really are endless. The app also allows for long distance use, this is where two people are required to download (for free) the Lovense remote app and are apart from each other whether it be a long distance relationship or maybe one partner travels for work, they are able to request a link to each other and the app saves who you connect with in the app, saving you from having to look each other up each time you want to use it. The app then allows the two partners to message and even face time each other while controlling the toy, making long distant sexy time even more intimate and fun. I think this is a great way to stay intimate with your partner especially if they travel a lot.

Another great was to use this toy is for public play. I’m sure a lot of people have seen those videos on social media where one person is wearing the toy and the other is controlling it while they are at the shops or out to dinner or just out in any public setting. This is the perfect toy for this occasion! The Lush and Lush 2 are both designed to be almost completely silent when inserted which means there is no worry about other people around you hearing the buzzing or vibration sounds, the wearer of the toy just has to about how quiet they can be. The size and shape of the Lush 2 is fantastic as it gives the wearer a fuller feeling and also targets the g-spot with its little bump side as apposed to a vibrating bullet that is just straight and may also be a little harder to keep in as its smaller, also most other bullets product a much louder sound while they are being used. When the Lush 2 is inserted the wearer will have the thin pink tail then exposed, this tail can be folded up toward the front and tucked into panties to keep it in place. Tucking toward the front would always be a better option as it keeps the receiver of the toy unobstructed and clear so there are no interruptions during use, this also helps for comfort and discretion.

Under no circumstance should the Lush or Lush 2 be used anally as it would be possibly for the entire toy to slip up and become lost internally. The Lush does not have a stopper on its end like plugs do the pervert losing them, in saying this Lovense Australia also has Anal products such as the Hush which is a silicone vibrating butt plug and the Edge which is an adjustable vibrating prostate plug.

In my opinion this toy is a fantastic product, the app is easy and simple to use which means anyone can use it without being confused or simply not using the toy due to the app not working properly which results in a waste of a toy which nobody would want. The Lush 2 is ideal for long distance play or public play and is almost completely silent when inserted but is also still very quiet while not inserted if one was to use it for external use. I believe the Lush along with other Lovense products are a great way to keep intimacy in your relationship if physical intimacy is not an option or maybe only a rare occasion.  Sometimes sex toys require to be used with lube for achieving a more pleasant process. These lube for fleshlight are the best for both female and male toys.

Kaylah is a consultant at the Adult Lifestyle Centers.

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