Foot Fetish – What Do You Need To Know About It?

What is A Foot Fetish?

Sexual attraction to the legs is one of the most common types of sexual fetishism, in which the object of attraction is not the genitals. Arousal can be caused by the appearance of the foot, touching it, the taste, smell of the skin of the foot and/or toes, the movement of the fingers. A foot fetish is a relatively common fetish to have. A common causative agent is the smell of feet, and the fetish is often combined with an increased interest in socks and shoes. [...]  Read More

What Is Sexual Fetishism? Compare Different Kinks Here

Sexual Fetishism

The interest of artists, musicians and writers in sexual fetishism is an ordinary thing, because in what someone calls deviation, an artist will find symbolism. And so it is. Sexual fetishism is when you are aroused by symbols associated with inanimate objects, body parts, physical characteristics, or even social situations such as age differences or social status. But let’s start in order. [...]  Read More