Communication – The Key to Having Better Sex

Have you ever noticed Everyone Wants Better Sex and that there are so many advertisements and sex information online nowadays? Other than that, we even have the best dating sites review where you get the best platforms to find your perfect match. The media is trying so hard to normalize intimate talks, but despite all that effort, we still shy away whenever that conversation is brought up. Do we need to introduce better sex courses in learning institutions, or there are better courses of action? Let us find out some of the reasons that have made it hard to normalize these talks.

Most People Feel Vulnerable

For most, starting a conversation about sex often feels like letting their guard down, especially talking about it with friends. Nobody likes being judged, and even if they don’t say it directly, how they react will tell you how they feel. The funny thing is that everyone wants to have better sex for a lifetime, yet no one is bold enough to engage in such conversations. Starting a sexual discussion doesn’t mean you are a horny pervert. The problem is probably the first thought that will strike the minds of the people you’re addressing.

It’s an Extremely Intimate Activity

If you were brought up in a conservative society, you would probably think that intercourse is sacred, and you should never talk about it in the open. Today, however, the culture is slightly different because people can have sex talks and dates with less fear of being judged. After all, it is very normal. Nonetheless, it’s still not something you can just openly talk about with your folks or family unless you’re close. Whether sex is better with or without a condom, that will be upon you and your partner to decide. Once you’ve become adults and all matured, what’s there to be shy of; why not just open about it? 

Communication is also important when wanting to explore more options in the bedroom. Many couples are shy to admit that they masturbate or use sex toys, however doing this as a couple usually strengthens relationships.

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Lack of Sex Education when Growing Up

Sex is a very sensitive and embarrassing topic whenever it’s brought up. What if it were included in the education system? You learn about it just like the rest of the subjects. Maybe things would have turned out better. Most of the time, we tend to believe that as we grow, things will be better. This is just a fallacy; nothing gets better if you don’t talk about it or at least get to learn more about it.

Is Sex Better the Second Time, or Does It Feels the Same Throughout?

Have you ever wondered if things will ever get better with your intimate life, or will they remain the same? The fact is that things will never change unless you take the initiative to ask. Now the big problem is who you’ll ask. Nobody wants to talk about it. Thanks to the internet, you can find any information you want online. So please read about it, dig deeper for information, and share that information with your partner. They may feel a bit awkward at first, but you’ll both see the benefits when you start having better intercourse with time.

What if I’m the Only One with an Issue?

This question always strikes one’s mind whenever one wants to talk about sex. Most of the time, a person tends to assume that maybe they are the only ones affected; the rest are leading a perfect sex life. This is far from reality because the way you think it, so do your other friends. But deep down, you all feel the need to talk about it; you can have better sex for a lifetime once you normalize these sex talks. It takes courage to kick off these conversations; once you set the pace, you will realize how many people want to have these conversations.

Normalize Casual but Respectful Sex Talks

Some people are so good at criticizing others whenever they touch on anything conversation that involves sex. Yet, in reality, this is part of our daily lives, and we all have to live with it; why preach water and drink wine? If you don’t like the topic, don’t criticize; step away. You might be saving another person’s marriage; there are better sex courses you can find, but most we have to learn by listening and sharing.


Is talking about sex a good idea? Why not? If you’re not just complaining about your partner’s performance, sex talk is essential. People will always be judgmental at first, but they will see sense and the importance of having those conversations with time. There is no other way of having better sex than talking about it with your partner, an expert, or a counsellor. Always remember that communication is vital.

Have you ever tried having sex talks with your partner, and what was their reaction at first? Feel free to leave a comment.

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Should society talk more about sex?

Firstly, for a very long-time (besides the 60’s) sex has been a very taboo subject to talk about openly in general conversation to anyone besides your partner. Yes, it does make sense, sex is very personal and intimate subject so to only talk about it to your partner is a very normal and common thing. But the thought of sitting down and talking to a group of your friends about sex may be an uncomfortable or daunting thought, and I don’t mean talking about HAVING sex with your friends but more so talking about sex as a general topic.

There are a lot of people who keep their sex lives to themselves in fear of saying something “wrong” and being scared of getting judged by their friends just because of a kink or preference they may have. I believe this is because society has taught us that sex is to be done at night, in your bedroom, under the covers with the lights off, as quiet as possible.

Sex Education Is Vital When Growing Up

For me personally growing up, I was very sheltered and my parents didn’t even give me ‘The Talk’, because they just felt too embarrassed about the subject and it was definitely NOT an openly spoken about thing. Because of this, I grew up and heard all different things but was pretty much led to believe that sex itself was just plain wrong, it wasn’t something that you did unless you wanted to fall pregnant and that was the end of it.

Even as an adult I still didn’t have a hugely broad knowledge about sex and only what I had ever done or seen in porn. Of course, after joining the magnificent Oh Zone Adult Shops team, my views about sex changed dramatically.

Why Is There A Stigma Around Sex?

With all the stigma around sex and sex related things in society today, I believe if we spoke more openly about sex, people would realise that most of the stigma around these taboo topics are actually either myths or unnecessary. No one should ever have to feel bad or embarrassed about their sexual activities or desires! If you like having multiple partners you go for it! If you like getting down and dirty on your kitchen bench then push those pots and pans aside and have fun!

Secondly, the stigma that IS around sex in society can and usually does affect our youth. Adolescents who are going through that vital time in their lives, figuring it all out about themselves and realising their attractions to others, may get confused about their feelings and urges. Now I’m not saying we should just let teenagers run ramped doing what they like BUT if we make society more open to talking about sex, this makes parents and families more comfortable teaching their kids the Do’s and Don’ts about sex as they grow up. This will give them the knowledge they need to protect themselves and know what they should do when they time is right to do the deed.

Everyone Wants Better Sex

Talking Openly Can Be Freeing

In all honestly, talking about sexy time openly can actually feel so liberating and can be some of the most fun conversations you might ever have! Being able to talk about something that you normally wouldn’t speak about is so fun and you can learn so much just from even talking to another couple.

For example, there’s something that happens or that you and your partner do that you don’t think is normal but you mention it to your couple friends and they immediately reply with “THAT HAPPENS TO YOU TOO?!” and after not too long you realise that’s it’s all normal, it happens to other people as well! (speaking from experience). Or you spark up a conversation about funny sex stories or experiences you’ve had and you all end up laughing and talking for hours to the point where your face hurts from smiling and laughing so much.

Do You Think Society Should Open Up More?

To sum all of it up in a nutshell, yes, I 100% think that society should talk about sex more. And I absolutely believe it would help a lot of people feel less embarrassed about their sexual preferences or their kinks. I also think it would make society more accepting and open minded towards people in the kink and play communities who often get shunned for their preferences and their enjoyments. I think it is safe to say that this would help ALOT of people.

Have a think about it and see whether you think society should talk about sex more. Try to spark up a conversation with friends about sex or sex stories and see where it goes, you’ll be surprised about what you might learn or even find out about yourself just by hearing someone else’s side of things!


Tiffany is an Oh Zone Consultant.


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