Cosmopolitan Flirt Review

I was looking for a new toy, that wasn’t a wand, because I really don’t like the look of them at all even though they are so crazy powerful, and something that is larger, though still just as strong as a bullet, because my partner and I have been finding bullets way too hard to hold after a while. They have become really hard to handle when things get messy, even the silicone ones seem to be difficult to hold and use for us. The grip just isn’t there. As I was wandering around the store checking out my options, I caught sight of an adorable rabbit shaped toy. Not your regular rabbit toy though, but an actual adorable bunny shaped toy. After closer inspection I found it to be exactly what I was after. The Cosmopolitan Flirt, is a bunny shaped clit stimulator, a perfectly shaped middle ground between a bullet and a wand, that also isn’t one of those palm held things or a just some regular old straight vibrator being dual purposed as a clit stimulator. [...]  Read More

Sex Toys Are Jigsaw Puzzles For Adults!

Shopping During Coronavirus Lockdown Sydney July 2021

Click & Collect Shopping CoVid Safe Shopping At Adultsmart.  Adultsmart is conveniently situated at 12 Production Ave, Kogarah in Sydney’s South.  The telephone is (02) 9533 7217 and the Covid trading hours that are subject to change are 9am-10pm Monday to Sunday. [...]  Read More