The Coolest New Sexual Toys You’ll Enjoy For Sure

A surge in new sexual toys with intelligent technology has made it easier to supercharge your orgasm. Even if you’re mostly satisfied with your sex life. With a wide variety of speeds, sizes, and settings available, having fun in the bedroom is no longer frowned upon. Those who promote sex-positive relationships, are in fact encouraging a new generation of optimistic lovers. [...]  Read More

How To Ask What You Want If You’ve Missed Satisfaction

Bedroom Satisfaction: How to Ask For What You Want

Good sex in relationship can bring two people closer together. Satisfaction and fulfilment are critical. You want a partner with whom you are compatible. The best dating sites will typically ask leading questions to understand what you want. But, you may not always get full sexual enjoyment in a relationship. If you find that you are missing out, it helps to know how to ask what you want. [...]  Read More

Keeping The Relationship Thriving With This Good Advice

Keeping The Relationship Thriving

This year has not been an easy one, for single people or couples. Many have found it difficult keeping the relationship thriving between each other. Singles have been isolated on their lonesome (if they were following social distancing of course!) Which sucks, but of course there’s always masturbation and phone sex, the physical intimacy and affection is missing of course but that’s not what this is about. [...]  Read More

A Brief History Of Sex Toys: The Interesting Truth

The History Of Sex Toys

The history of sex toys is rich and fascinating, spanning centuries and cultures. From ancient civilizations to modern times, people have sought ways to enhance sexual pleasure. Early artifacts suggest the use of objects for stimulation, reflecting human ingenuity and desire. Over time, advancements in technology and societal attitudes have transformed sex toys from taboo items to mainstream products. Today, the sex toy industry thrives, offering innovative and diverse options. This article explores the evolution of sex toys, highlighting key milestones and cultural shifts that have shaped their development and acceptance. [...]  Read More

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