Revitalize Your Sex Life: 5 Simple Ways For You

Revitalize Your Sex Life

The very fact that you are reading this is proof that you no more search for casual sex on the best online dating sites and care for your partner. Clearly, you still possess the sexual desire for your significant other and want to rebuild your relationship and your sex life. So why quench the fire that you still have and slowly let it cool? Give yourself a big hug, love your looks and put your sexy lingerie on to seduce your partner! [...]  Read More

I walked into an adult store and walked out $1500 less later… why I should of done it sooner!

So my partner and I have been together for 4 years and only recently we have realised that our sex life is starting to get stale. Put it this way, If he moves his hips to the left when I’m on top, I know he wants to put me into missionary. That is how in sync our sex life is and how repetitive it has become. I have a girlfriend named Anna that tells me every week that she goes to adult shops frequently and buys toys. She told me that the staff at the store are like sex therapist and give her advice about everything, even her relationship as a whole. She honestly raves on about them every single time we go for dinner or a coffee date. I sent her a text the other day and asked if she wanted to come with me. I pretty much explained how boring mine and Daniel’s sex life has gotten. It was set, Friday night we were going to have dinner in Cronulla, have a few cocktails and then head over. [...]  Read More