How To Ask What You Want If You’ve Missed Satisfaction

Bedroom Satisfaction: How to Ask For What You Want

Good sex in relationship can bring two people closer together. Satisfaction and fulfilment are critical. You want a partner with whom you are compatible. The best dating sites will typically ask leading questions to understand what you want. But, you may not always get full sexual enjoyment in a relationship. If you find that you are missing out, it helps to know how to ask what you want. [...]  Read More

Why Long-Distance Sex Isn’t So Bad!

I definitely cannot speak for everyone about long-distance sex or when I talk about the luxury of living close to a romantic partner. The uncommon but ever desired ability to see a loved one whenever I choose, and in partnership with the ability to get down to business with my partner when we’re together, is a privilege that is not lost on me. A few of my closest friends have to deal with long-distance relationships, or the arguably more painfulĀ not-enough-time-in-the-day-to-see-you relationships. After a lengthy conversation with these close friends about what they can do to keep their… uh… you-know-whats you-know whatting while their partners aren’t right there next to them, I decided to share my insight into a few products that I have come across during my time as an adult store frequenter & employee, to try and help make the world a sexier place. [...]  Read More