From Then To Now – The Evolution of Sex Work

Fondly coined as the worlds’ oldest profession, the evolution of sex work dates back to before the Bible. It can be found through just about every culture, and is still a hotly debated occupation today with a large emphasis on womens rights and the separation of church and state. Even in 2024 only a select few parts of the world have legalised this profession. [...]  Read More

Hypnotherapy For Erectile Dysfunction – Learn More Now

Do you have erection problems?  Perhaps hypnotherapy for Erectile Dysfunction may be for you! [...]  Read More

Zachs Guide To Sex Positions – Elevate Your Game Now

Zachs Guide To Sex

Zachs Guide To Sex positions for the beginner.   Sometimes its hard to think of the right sex positions to hit the G-spot and give your partner the big O that they deserve. So here are some good ones to start with! All of these positions work best after foreplay. As foreplay making the g-spot to swell up with blood making it more sensitive and easier to hit [...]  Read More

Facts about the Benefits of Sex for Harmonious Relationships

It is impossible to imagine a healthy relationship without regular sex. At first, all couples have passion, but everything becomes boring. People who live together but do not have sex are friends, roommates, anyone but not a couple in love. And then you are searching for a new partner on the best dating sites. [...]  Read More