The Coolest New Sexual Toys You’ll Enjoy For Sure

A surge in new sexual toys with intelligent technology has made it easier to supercharge your orgasm. Even if you’re mostly satisfied with your sex life. With a wide variety of speeds, sizes, and settings available, having fun in the bedroom is no longer frowned upon. Those who promote sex-positive relationships, are in fact encouraging a new generation of optimistic lovers. [...]  Read More

Keeping The Relationship Thriving

This year has not been an easy one, for single people or couples. Singles have been isolated on their lonesome (if they were following social distancing of course!) Which sucks, but of course there’s always masturbation and phone sex, the physical intimacy and affection is missing of course but that’s not what this is about. [...]  Read More

A (very) Brief History of Sex Toys

Sex toys have a much longer and weirder history than you might think, with phallic shaped objects appearing 28,000 – 30,000 years ago and everything from eyelids to bread being used as a sexual aid since then. There’s even a theory that Cleopatra owned one of the first ever attempts at a vibrating toy, if you can call live bees in a rounded object a vibrator that is.
So let’s start at the beginning, aside from the aforementioned phallic shaped objects there was also cave art dated to the upper Paleolithic era showing inanimate objects being used in a sexual manner. Dildos can be seen through ancient cultures being made of anything, bone included. [...]  Read More

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